Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter weekend

We decided to spend the weekend in Baton Rouge with Abby for Easter. Our first visit on Saturday morning we were greeted at the glass doors by Emily and Abby , who was wearing her new spring bandanna which Emily had given her .  Abby was elated to see Timmy, Annalee , me, and of coarse her  Johnny and frantically scooted around in her little chariot getting hugs and kisses from all of us.  I commented in the last post about the status of her physical condition. But what I really noticed about Abby since the last time I had seen her was that  her enthusiasm, her happy disposition, the smile on her face, and the warmth in her eyes had returned.  Some of this was due to a change in her medicine (they stopped the anti-anxiety drugs) But I think mostly it was the fact that Abby has become comfortable with her caretakers, especially Emily, more comfortable in her routine, and more independent with the use of the "chariot" which  allows her to walk and run around on her own.  When we are ready to leave  it is difficult to get Abby to go back inside. She has gotten in the habit of stopping at Johnny's car,  waiting for him to open the door, jump in, and head back home. We all can't wait for that day to come!

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