Monday, April 1, 2013

Abby's treatment and recovery - week 2

Johnny spent the weekend visiting Abby and I'm not sure who enjoyed it more! The vet hospital is on a large campus with several buildings and shady grass areas. They took long walks with Abby in her little "chariot" stopping often for Abby to smell the grass and look and listen to the birds etc. They played fetch  with a tennis ball which  Abby never tires of. She has become interested in watching two large horses that are staying there I assume for treatment. Later she happened happened  upon a barnyard area that is normally locked , entered pulling Johnny along with her, and spent some time chasing roosters around their barnyard.  He felt after the visit  that Abby had clearly acclimated to her new surroundings,  was more familiar with her new routine, and had become attached to one of her primary caregivers, Emily.  Her clinical therapy included electrical stimulation to her muscles, walking on the treadmill in the water, as well as other exercise activities. Her left leg is still unresponsive, she remains incontinent, but there were some changes in her right leg. It has started to spasm/shake all the way down to her paw. The vet does not know what this means exactly, but we are all hoping  and praying that it is a sign that some sort of signals are reaching her leg???

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