Friday, April 26, 2013

Abby,s Treatment week 5

At the  end of week five, Abby appears to be about the same. Johnny spent the weekend with her, enjoying  their favorite activities which include fetching a tennis balls, walking, and just catching up on time together that they have not been able to have for weeks at a time now. In some ways we have all adjusted to Abby's absence, as well as Abby having adjusted to her temporary home.  But at the same time  we eagerly look forward to bringing her back to her real home where we are hopeful that her recovery will continue to improve, and that returning to her family and familiar surroundings will give her new motivation .  So  it is Wednesday, April. 24th and Abby is finishing up what will be her sixth week and final days of therapy at the LSU vet hospital .  Alex, her current vet resident, has been in close contact with Johnny and has been working  diligently with Abby. And let me say again how impressed we have been with the comprehensive , personal,  and professional  care delivered by the LSU vet hospital personnel  and what a blessing for us that we have been able to get such good care for Abby.  We have begun to think about where we will keep Abby and how we will manage her care from home. We all recognize we have a great challenge ahead. She remains incontinent and unable to walk on her own at this point.  We will be getting the necessary equipment to help ease the transition to living at home, but it's  going to be out with the old ways and in with the new, and these challenges will involve a great deal of compromise  and patience  for Abby and for us. But we are determined to do all that we can to get Abby walking again  and enjoying the activities that she must miss so much.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Abby's treatment week four

Abby has been continuing with aggressive therapy at the vet hospital. Johnny noticed on his weekend visit that Abby has become a real "hell on wheels", and almost jogging on their walks In order to keep up with her . The slight movement of her muscles in her right leg were still apparent and we feel encouraged by that. Johnny and his dad decided that they would keep Abby in therapy for two more weeks at LSU. Her care has been excellent so far and we feel that she is getting the best possible treatment for her condition.

Abby's treatment week 3

Johnny returned to the LSU vet hospital for his weekend visit. The only real change in Abby that he noticed was that it appeared that she was trying to use her right leg a little bit when she was in the chariot. He thought he could see her muscles trying to work. It was very subtle, but a change for the positive to be sure.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter weekend

We decided to spend the weekend in Baton Rouge with Abby for Easter. Our first visit on Saturday morning we were greeted at the glass doors by Emily and Abby , who was wearing her new spring bandanna which Emily had given her .  Abby was elated to see Timmy, Annalee , me, and of coarse her  Johnny and frantically scooted around in her little chariot getting hugs and kisses from all of us.  I commented in the last post about the status of her physical condition. But what I really noticed about Abby since the last time I had seen her was that  her enthusiasm, her happy disposition, the smile on her face, and the warmth in her eyes had returned.  Some of this was due to a change in her medicine (they stopped the anti-anxiety drugs) But I think mostly it was the fact that Abby has become comfortable with her caretakers, especially Emily, more comfortable in her routine, and more independent with the use of the "chariot" which  allows her to walk and run around on her own.  When we are ready to leave  it is difficult to get Abby to go back inside. She has gotten in the habit of stopping at Johnny's car,  waiting for him to open the door, jump in, and head back home. We all can't wait for that day to come!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Abby's treatment and recovery - week 2

Johnny spent the weekend visiting Abby and I'm not sure who enjoyed it more! The vet hospital is on a large campus with several buildings and shady grass areas. They took long walks with Abby in her little "chariot" stopping often for Abby to smell the grass and look and listen to the birds etc. They played fetch  with a tennis ball which  Abby never tires of. She has become interested in watching two large horses that are staying there I assume for treatment. Later she happened happened  upon a barnyard area that is normally locked , entered pulling Johnny along with her, and spent some time chasing roosters around their barnyard.  He felt after the visit  that Abby had clearly acclimated to her new surroundings,  was more familiar with her new routine, and had become attached to one of her primary caregivers, Emily.  Her clinical therapy included electrical stimulation to her muscles, walking on the treadmill in the water, as well as other exercise activities. Her left leg is still unresponsive, she remains incontinent, but there were some changes in her right leg. It has started to spasm/shake all the way down to her paw. The vet does not know what this means exactly, but we are all hoping  and praying that it is a sign that some sort of signals are reaching her leg???